(long distance analysis)



Have you ever wondered if you have any vitamin or mineral deficiencies? What about food sensitivities? Parasites? Candida?

Your hair follicle (and every cell in your body) contains specific DNA and life force that can reveal what the rest of the body is doing!

At our clinic we have been testing hair to help determine the state of a person's health for over 18 years. As a result we have been able to point people in the right direction to help them heal their body of dis-ease. Many of our health problems have roots in underlying simple obstructions that can be cleared up so the body can once again resume a healthy life. Here's what we test for:

Vitamin & Mineral Deficiencies

Food Sensitivities

Best Diet for your body

Chemical and Metal Toxins

Weakest areas of the body susceptible to problems

Parasites, Fungi

In addition, if you tell us your specific problems, we'll test to find out the best herbs and cleansings that you should do. And we will make recommendations to assist you.

Our report is quite detailed. Much information is given to allow you the maximum benefit of our knowledge so you can take care of your body. It is the same report you would get if you attended at our clinic.

This information will help you find the underlying causes of your health problems. It is best way to really get down to why you have health problems in the first place.

Because our clinic is a non-profit clinic and not tied to any regulating body or governmental medical plan, we are free to spend as much time as we choose on your problem. We accept a donation of $225 (U.S. or Canadian) and results are usually out within a week after we obtain the hair sample. You can pay by cheque (make payable to 'Natural Healing Clinic' or 'Little Dove Sanctuary'), or you may phone us with your visa/mastercard information.

To take a sample of your hair, just cut a small swath about 10-20 hairs or pull out a few with the roots intact which gives a clearer picture. If you cut your hair, cut very close to the scalp in an area of the head where it won't show very much or you could also use arm or leg hair using a shaver. If you have had your hair coloured or permed, then wait a week after the colouring or perming to let some hair grow out that is fresh. If you don't have hair on your head, you can shave some hair from an arm or leg. Put the hair in a clean zip lock baggie, label it with your:

Name, Address, Phone Number,

and Birthdate and send it to us

with a letter explaining your problems and

what medications and supplements you are taking.

You can provide us with any information regarding your circumstances to help us to help you such as a history of your problems, your diet.

If you can't get any hair, do a saliva sample instead: first thing in the morning before you eat or drink or brush your teeth, spit 2-3 times into a piece of kleenex or toilet paper, then put that into the zip lock baggie and seal, process as noted above as if it were a hair sample.

The hair or saliva sample, along with your cheque should be sent to:


470 8th Street SE

Medicine Hat, Alberta

Canada T1A 1L9

If you wish to talk to us on the phone (403) 526-5700, our hours are monday to friday 10am to noon and 2pm - 5pm. If we are busy, you may leave a message and we'll return your call as quickly as possible.